Monday, July 30, 2007

The Crabby Office Lady!

What I like most about the articles of the Crabby Office Lady is that they give you the information you need with a touch of humor & sarcasm...the thing that makes you want to read more, not just to learn some of Microsoft Office's hottest tricks, but also to enjoy the light-hearted , sometimes sharp, humor!

For example, here's the crabby lady telling users how to move between tabs in Excel...

When I'm working on many programs at once (yes, of course I'm a multitasker — what did you expect?), I use the keyboard shortcut ALT+TAB to move between open programs. (If you haven't tried this, do so now — it's a great Microsoft Windows® trick.)

However, this doesn't work when you're moving between worksheets in the same workbook. Don't despair; there are a couple of neat little shortcuts that handle the job quite nicely.

If you're interested, read all her articles here:

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